Workshops for adult siblings.

Workshop for adult siblings

The impact of challenging behaviour on you: When your disabled brother or sister’s behaviour is harmful or aggressive.

Friday 16th March 2-5pm, Birmingham
Thursday 22nd March 2-5pm, Manchester

For adult siblings of people with a life-long learning disability and/or autism only

My brother has learning disabilities and he can be violent towards people. Why is it called ‘challenging behaviour’?
My sister behaves better with me so my parents ask me to look after her a lot. I can’t cope with the strain, but I feel guilty if I say no. What can I do?
 When I was a child, I found my sister’s behaviour very challenging and traumatic. It still affects me as an adult and I need advice on how to deal with this.
This workshop will help you to understand why challenging behaviour occurs, recognise how it impacts on you as a sibling and address how you can support yourself and your disabled brother or sister. You will have the opportunity to meet other adult siblings and share experiences.
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